Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Gear Adjustment

After spending over a year with my Fujifilm gear I decided a couple of adjustments were in order...

Firstly, I missed IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) in certain situations.  The answer was adding two X-S10 bodies.  These have become my every day carry cameras as the small size and comfortable grip feel just right. Plus, they use the same batteries as my X-T3 bodies. While I miss the vintage controls a bit the implementation of the more modern system is well executed and was an easy adaptation for me (at least my lenses still have aperture rings).  The sensors and processors are the same as in my other cameras so everything I'm producing retains a cohesive look.

Fujifilm X-S10 w/ 23mm 1.4 WR

Secondly, I had gotten away from using only two focal lengths and felt the need to simplify.  I sold off everything I had accumulated except fast and slow versions of my two favorite focal lenses. I had to make a slight compromise at the long end with a small 50mm and large 56mm because Fujifilm simply didn't offer a perfectly matching set that fit my needs.  The 6mm difference is minimal though and it's always fun to break the rules, especially when they're self imposed.  That slight discrepancy aside, it feels wonderful to be back to only two choices in the field, a little bit wide or a little bit long.  I believe the limited fields of view also contribute to what I believe is the recognizable look of my photography.

Fujifilm X-S10 w/ 56mm f1.2 WR

So, that leaves me with two X-T3 bodies, two X-S10 bodies, a 23mm f2 WR, 23mm f1.4 WR, 50mm f2 WR, and 56mm f1.2 WR prime lenses.  Feels just about perfect and adaptable to any situation. The X-T3s are weather resistant, tough, easy to use with a tripod or when you're in a hurry as you can simply glance at the top of the camera to see all your exposure triangle settings.  The X-S10s excel in low light, unstable situations, or when small size and low weight are especially important.  Ideally, the X-T3s would have IBIS and I'd only use the two bodies but I bought them at a significant discount and when certain other options didn't exist or were prohibitively expensive.


d'Angelo said...

I love black and white photography, and texts that talk about the personal process of photographers. Your blog contains a fascinating universe, either because of the beauty of the images or because of the content you write. Greetings.

Shawn Dougherty said...

I missed your comment somehow. Thank you so much and I'm glad you enjoyed your time with my work! I'm beginning a new entry which is what brought me back to see this.